I'm trying to implement a process that calculates the average of days where the customer actually pays an invoice and inserts into table Customer.
I'll try to be as specific as possible:
I've created a function that calculates the average number of days that a customer pays for invoices taking in account 2017.
The goal is that when I create an order, a new field is calculated by the order creation date with the average days previously entered on the customer's card. So far so good.
My question is: I need that this field to go to the Sales Invoice Header table and also to the Customer Ledger Entry table (maybe detailed also) where this new field may be editable by final user (is it possible)?
The solution would be to create the fields in the tables with the same "Field No." (AutoTransferFields?) And this would work, since in the Customer table the Field is in days, in Sales Header and Sales Invoice Header and Customer Ledger Entry in date format?
Or is there another solution?
A Creation Date field on Sales Header table is not required imho - unless you want to know how long it took from creating the Sales Header record to get the invoice posted from it fully paid, which, at least for me, does not make much sense,
You would need to add the field to Sales Invoice Header (posted invoice) if yo want to store calculation result in there, rather than calculate it on the fly in the report. But event then you would not need to transfer any extra Creation Date field from Sales Header table.
Dynamics NAV, MS SQL Server, Wherescape RED;
PRINCE2 Practitioner - License GR657010572SG
GDPR Certified Data Protection Officer - PECB License DPCDPO1025070-2018-03
Let me see if i explained well what i wanted,
When post a invoice, it creates on customer ledger entry fields such as Document Date, Due Date etc.
My new Date would be calculated from the previous average of days already inserted in customer table plus the order date.
So i just need to calculate the new date when invoice is posted and store it in Sales Invoice Header and then it would transfer to Customer Detailed Entry?
2. a process (report / codeunit / function in the code) is fired after posting payment. This process is supposed to go through Customer invoices and payments and calculate the average.
Alternatively it could just process the last payment, and calculate the days it took to close the invoice and then update the average payment days on Customer using the formula:
"payment average days" = (total days waiting for payment) / (total posted and paid Invoices)
where you can work out the "total days waiting for payment" as "current average" * ("No of posted and paid invoices" - 1) - to not to take into account the invoice which has been just paid and it is processed just now.
You can calculate payment 'age' for each invoice using the Posting Date - in most case it will be good enough - unless your users often change posting dates when posting invoices or payments
Dynamics NAV, MS SQL Server, Wherescape RED;
PRINCE2 Practitioner - License GR657010572SG
GDPR Certified Data Protection Officer - PECB License DPCDPO1025070-2018-03
This is what i did:
I added a field in Sales Header table which is "Data Prevista", It is date type . So same field I added to table 81 and table 21.
Then I went to codeunit 80 and searched by .init ( till I found Genline.init)
after GenJnlLine.INIT just added
GenJnlLine.”Data Prevista”:= “Data Prevista”;
Then in CU 12 the Function Called PostCust ,inside this function i Wrote
CustLedgEntry.”Data Prevista” := “Data Prevista”;
But it didn't work. Any thoughts?
I have tried to understand your business requirement (calculate average invoice payment time for a given customer if I got it right) and proposed a solution achieving the results without the need of modifying Customer Entry table or posting routines.
Back to your original question. What you have done looks OK, should work, but perhaps you have put the lines in a wrong place. With version on NAV are U using? There are many changes in posting code betweeen version so just seeing these two lines I cannot tell anyting. Also tell us the function names you have changed
Dynamics NAV, MS SQL Server, Wherescape RED;
PRINCE2 Practitioner - License GR657010572SG
GDPR Certified Data Protection Officer - PECB License DPCDPO1025070-2018-03
Then on CU 12 Function Local PostCust
It fills Table Cus. Ledger Entry with empty value
Thanks for the help!