Problem with creating a card form for viewing records

navnoobnavnoob Member Posts: 26
Hi, I receive a project where an individual has a table that contains their inventory/item. Basiclly, by knowing the indivudual item no. I can find the vendor item no. and also the customer item no.

So i created a table containing the following info:

Item No. Code
Vendor No. Code
Vendor Name Text
Vendor Item No. Code
Customer No. Code
Customer Name Text
Customer Item No. Code

So in my card form, basiclly, when I enter an item No, it'll the textbox will fill in with a "default" vendor and customer that have a table relationship with the individual's item no. BUT also, when either the Vendor or Customer changes, their Item No. also changes. So is a many to many relationship... I think..

So an example would be:

Item No Vendor Name Ven Item No Cust Name Cust Item No
12345 ABC 54321 Blah 14231
12345 GFD 17543 HAHA 76543

So from the table above, ABC is the default displaying, but if i change the vendor name from ABC to GFD, the Ven ITem No should change from 54321 to 17543.

Well, my problem is i created the form, but how do i make it so when i select the Vendor Name it'll change the Ven item no?

I basiclly created a global record var and did a GET on the vendor name and retrieve the ven item No.. but when in my form, the lookup is doing insert and modify instead of allowing me to only view..

Can anyone point me to the correct location in what i should do to develop this "effect" ?

Thank you.


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Connect the editbox to some Global variable, not to the field itself. Use than OnValidate trigger to get the values for rest of fields...
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