Why do some job queues lose their heartbeat?

afarrafarr Member Posts: 287
edited 2018-09-26 in NAV Three Tier
We have a client with several companies, and several job queues in each, for a total of some 250 Job Queues.

We sometimes find that some Job Queues have stopped updating their heartbeat, although other Job Queues in the same company are working fine.

The system is Nav 2016 W1 build 46621.
The Job Queues are set to start automatically from NAS.
The problem occurred even when CPU and RAM usage was moderate.

Have you ever encountered similar behavior?

What steps (that don’t involve service restarts) could prevent this?

Thanks for your help.
Alastair Farrugia


  • txerifftxeriff Member Posts: 514

    I would suggest create a second NAS tier that checks those job queues that have been, lets say more than 2 hours running without ending and sends you an email. This way you can realise if the service stopped working and needs a restart.
  • afarrafarr Member Posts: 287
    Hi txeriff,
    Thanks for the suggestion. That is one of the workarounds that we are considering.

    Of course, if some problem affects NAV services, then the second NAS tier might be affected too, so we might implement this at SQL level (a scheduled job run by the SQL Server Agent), instead of in NAV.

    Alastair Farrugia
  • allenyyzhouallenyyzhou Member Posts: 142

    My experience about this is usually some unexpected error happened when running job queue. You may find the error in windows event log.
    I think maybe NAS is not stable enough, that's why microsoft add TaskScheduler in administration tool from NAV 2017.
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