I've created this new table called 'Vendor Purchase Contract'. On it is an Option-type field 'Payment term', which is in relation to the 'Payment Terms' (ID 38) table and should allow the selection of options from that table. How can this be done? OptionString can't be empty, but what should it be filled with?
Thanks in advance.
To store the selected OptionString-value in another table you can use an Integer-field. Actually, the SQL-value of an Option-field is Integer.
Additionally, in your use case, it may makes sense to create a Code-field with a TableRelation to the Payment Terms-table, instead of an Option-field. Then you are able to have a lookup into the linked table with flexible values. The user expierence is a litte different, but it actually complies with MS-standard.
Check field 23 "Payment Terms Code" of table 36 "Sales Header".