Aging reports and the date Filter Filter

admoretutsieadmoretutsie Member Posts: 79
l have been trying to print the agin report for 010105..010505 ( the Date Filter) and l get the same report as l get for any Date Filter filter, even if l dont put tha date filter filter.

Does it make sense to try to get an aging for a period, given report 105 and R 305? Or you need a custom report to handle this?
$cside -MBS
>install Navision::4.0 SP1


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    i'm gonna go out on a limb here but what date/info do you have entered on the "Options Tab"?
  • admoretutsieadmoretutsie Member Posts: 79
    Well, l am using a starting date on 010105 on the options, AND also, using another filer of type "DAte Filter" to 010105..t

    And l get the same results even if l change the "date filter" filter.

    Any ideas?
    $cside -MBS
    >install Navision::4.0 SP1
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    my version has a "Aged as of" field on the options tab. yours has a starting date?

    "Aged as of" is the ending date.
    sounds like you're trying to get this years info ONLY.
    I do not believe the againg report works that way.
    if you just want to see the difference between the end of last year & today
    you could run the report twice. one to 12/31/2004 & the other to TODAY and subtract the numbers
    or if your looking for more info for this year - you can use a report like Salesperson Statistics BY Invoice...which allows you to filter the records on the Customer Ledger Entry table. So your [010105..t] date will work on a report like that.
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