Customer Orders, shipments and invoices in one report

It should show Current Month Bookings, Current Month Shipments, Current Month Invoices against the Customer.
I created a new report by taking Customer table as source and written the code to show current month as
monthStart := CALCDATE('<-CM>',TODAY);
monthEnd:= CALCDATE('<CM>',TODAY);
SalesHeaderRec.SETRANGE("Order Date",monthStartDt,monthEnd);
SalesLineRec.SETRANGE("Shipment Date",monthStartDt,monthEnd);
SalesLineRec.SETRANGE("Posting Date",monthStartDt,monthEnd);
it was showing empty on it.
Can any one please suggest me regarding this issue.
Thanks in Advance.


  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 631
    - bookings should be filtered as you wrote (use FINDSET or nested SalesHeaderRec dataitem)
    - shipments filtering is much more better and efficient in T_110
    - invoices filtering is much more better and efficient in T_112/T_114
  • If Print Detail is checked then Report should show the Orders, Shipments and Invoice lines against that particular customer.
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