How to set a NAV filter for filtering out objects using the Version List column on the Object Design

RoelofRoelof Member Posts: 377
I would like to exclude a subset of objects using a NAV filter on the 'Version List' column.
I was trying to use something like: '<> *ABCD*, to exclude all objects with 'ABCD' in their version list.
But that doesn't work.
Is there any other option?
Roelof de Jong


  • allenyyzhouallenyyzhou Member Posts: 142
    Hi, Roelof

    Your filter should work, or maybe you can paste the screen shot here?
  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 628
    You have a space between <> and rest.
  • AlbertvhAlbertvh Member Posts: 516
    Hi Roelof,
    I don't think that that type of filtering works. I would select all object and mark them, then filter with *ABCD* and unmark those and show Marked objects.
  • JohnHunterJohnHunter Member Posts: 45
    you can use Object."DMB Table No.", this field is not used anymore. Set it to 1 for objects you need and then filter them. Handy when selection is "complex". Import, run, filter and you have a perfect set.
  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 628
    I think that JohnHunter solution is not safe in multiuser environment, because this way of "filtering" can interfere with other users.
    The way which Roelof enter this node should work (in case of right filter condition).
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