Bill-to Customer No. vs Customer Ship-to Addresses

elias_kelias_k Member Posts: 11
Hi there.

Has anyone any clue why to use the Bill-to Customer No. instead of Customer Ship-to Addresses and vise versa ?

I have checked the entries in many Tables.

In real life u have a Customer with many branches.
You want to know what your customer did as a hole, and also want to know what each of your customer branch did.
The information you want is what products the Customer bought, and also each branch what products bought.
:roll: confused ?

give me some time


  • pindevpindev Member Posts: 22
    Hi there,
    this is a tipical scenario and you have to use Ship-To Address.
    Bill-To Customer No is used when you want to invoice different comapany, than the recipent's

  • elias_kelias_k Member Posts: 11
    I do not think that this is a typical scenario.

    How can I figure out what items delivered to each branch ?

    Using Ship-to Address I have only the Customer Code into the following tables:

    Table 32 - Item Ledger Entry
    Table 5802 - Value Entry
    Table 379 - Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry
    Table 21 - Cust. Ledger Entry
    and I do not have any info about the branch that items where delivered.

    On the other hand, using Bill-to Customer, I have the following data on the same table :
    Table 32 - Item Ledger Entry - The branch code
    Table 5802 - Value Entry - The branch code
    Table 379 - Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry - Bill-to Customer
    Table 21 - Cust. Ledger Entry - Branch code and Bill to Customer

    So if I use the Bill-to functionality I have detaild info, on which Branch goods where delivered. I need to built something more to find out what the Customer bought as a hole.
    If I use the Ship-to functionality, I cannot find out detailed (per Branch) sales.

    Is that right ? :^o Has anyone any idea ?
    give me some time
  • pindevpindev Member Posts: 22
    Sorry, i have a customized version and Ship-to Code is present both in Item Ledger Entry and Value Entry table.
    However, I think this modification is easier to be done.

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