When you create a Customer, by default you also Create a Contact "Type" "Company".
For several reasons I need the same contact to also be in my field "Contact Name." on customer card. This field won't populate unless you go to Contact List and create manually the same information as "Type" "Person" and link to that same "Company No". This is a lot of creating to do manually.
Here is my question, how can I create my Contact as "Person" to the same Company automatically. Is there a way to do this automatically?
I have done a lot of research and I am not able to find anything useful.
If you are familiar with development and you have NAV 2016 and newer version, you can create function to create new contact with type Person and subscribe it to OnInsert trigger on Contact table with condition that this new record'd Type is Company. This case when new record with type Company will be added, you automatically create new record with type Person.
Nice to hear there is a solution. I am not a development person, therefore I would like to hear if there is a solution for Consultant to solve. Can you please also send a link or two to that solution you described :-)
As you remember, I mentioned that my solution is for developers so refer to https://msdn.microsoft.com/ru-ru/library/mt299404(v=nav.90).aspx
I'm not sure if it's possible to do without development. Let's wait an answer from other members.
Thanks I will also wait for the other members to answer