table to PIVOT report

jhanvincent14jhanvincent14 Member Posts: 214
hello Everyone,

how do you handle a record and turn it into PIVOT format in Report? any tricks or sample ? btw, I'm still a beginner in C/AL. thanks in advance


  • loggerlogger Member Posts: 126
    Hi @jhanvincent14 ,
    What do you mean under PIVOT format in report? Can you show an example?
    Let's go!
  • jhanvincent14jhanvincent14 Member Posts: 214
    hello @logger, appreciated your reply.

    I have a table/record and I need to pivot the data and show it in ssrs.
  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 631
    What do you mean "pivot the data"?
  • loggerlogger Member Posts: 126
    @jhanvincent14 , you mean you want to group data using some criterias?
    Let's go!
  • jhanvincent14jhanvincent14 Member Posts: 214
    basically, I want to make the rows of the table to be the column in the report and the column of the table will be the row of the report
  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 631
    It seems to be a not very good idea (because unbounded number of rows). But you can use an array to store values and loop the array in Integer dataitem.
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