Dear colleagues,
I faced with a problem: when I try to receive a hyperlink to my Report I use GETURL function as follows
Hyperlink := GETURL(ClientType::Web, COMPANYID, Object::Report, 50000)
In the report I operate with records X of the curtain table.
Well, the problem is that I cannot set up filters on the record through the function GETURL
I tried to filter records before getting hyperlink and sending filtered variable as a parameter like this
Hyperlink := GETURL(ClientType::Web, COMPANYID, Object::Report, 50000, RecordX_filtered)
it didn't help
Also, I tried to make something like:
Hyperlink += '&filter=X.No:'+RecordNo;
It didn't work too.
I am desperate! Please, help me to set up filters so that after clicking on the link my report operates with predefined records