Virus Software blocking .bmp's in email attachments

JzaJza Member Posts: 24
Hey guys.

I have a problem with emailing of remittance advices - the company wants their logo in the .html file we email them. Good old outlook seperates the email into an .html part and a .bmp part which is the bitmap logo on the report.

Of course - some of their clients anti-virus software blocks the .bmp attachment and rejects the email.

The simple solution is to remove the logo - but the client insists its on the report.

Is there any way i can get round this?




  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
  • JzaJza Member Posts: 24
    Ah.. i see - so it looks like i wont be able to do it with a few code tweaks... thanks!

  • FeldballeFeldballe Member Posts: 26
    It's possible to insert a logo into the e-mail by using File -> Send -> Report using e-mail. I haven't quite figured out how outlook should be configured, but I have managed do get a logo into to the html-document. The trouble is that a colleague of mine cannot recreate this in his own outlook program.

    Another problem using html-reporting would be the antivirus or antispam filter. Standard html-documents from Navision are not w3c-compliant. By it is possible to manipulate the html-code and inserting the missing parts: Meta-tag and language-definitions.

    Streaming the html-file into a table with a integer key-field and a text=250-field. Then insert the missing parts and outstream back into a html-file. That should do the trick \:D/
  • JzaJza Member Posts: 24
    Feldballe wrote:
    It's possible to insert a logo into the e-mail by using File -> Send -> Report using e-mail. I haven't quite figured out how outlook should be configured, but I have managed do get a logo into to the html-document. The trouble is that a colleague of mine cannot recreate this in his own outlook program.

    Another problem using html-reporting would be the antivirus or antispam filter. Standard html-documents from Navision are not w3c-compliant. By it is possible to manipulate the html-code and inserting the missing parts: Meta-tag and language-definitions.

    Streaming the html-file into a table with a integer key-field and a text=250-field. Then insert the missing parts and outstream back into a html-file. That should do the trick \:D/

    Wow.... dont suppose you have any example code :shock:
  • FeldballeFeldballe Member Posts: 26
    Hello James,

    I'm using two functions to extract html-code from the navision html-report file, then I clean it to remove those annoying page-sections and inserting missing code-parts.
    After cleaning the code it will be returned to the original html-file.

    This procedure doesn't take much time and I have experienced that the result will be accepted in very strong antispam and and antivirus filters.

    CleanHTML(l_HTMLName : Text[250]) : Boolean



    tmptabel(rec. Comment Line) // In table Comment Line the description-field is extended to text=250
    IntLine(Integer) // This is partly hardcoded. The Html-code in Navision reports allways have the same beginning.
    Text50102 = <HR> // Pagesection-tags
    Text50101 = META-tag definitions. Take a look at w3c-homepage
    Text50100 = Default header with script-tag. Take a look at w3c-homepage to get some examples.


    IF tmpTabel.FIND('-') THEN


    WHILE NOT (IsInstream.EOS()) DO BEGIN
    intCount := IsInstream.READTEXT(strContainer, 250);
    intLine := intLine + 10;
    IF STRPOS(strContainer, Text50102) <> 0 THEN BEGIN
    strContainer := DELSTR(strContainer, STRPOS(strContainer, Text50102), STRLEN(Text50102));
    tmpTabel."Table Name" := 0;
    tmpTabel."No." := '';
    tmpTabel."Line No." := intLine;
    tmpTabel.Comment := strContainer;

    // Insert header into htmlfile
    tmpTabel."Table Name" := 0;
    tmpTabel."No." := '';
    tmpTabel."Line No." := 1; // Hardcoded due to the fact that the file structure is allways the same
    tmpTabel.Comment := Text50100;

    // Insert meta-tag into htmlfile
    tmpTabel."Table Name" := 0;
    tmpTabel."No." := '';
    tmpTabel."Line No." := 31; // Hardcoded due to the fact that the file structure is allways the same
    tmpTabel.Comment := Text50101;


    ReCreateHTML(l_htmlName : Text[250]) : Boolean

    IsCreate := HTMLFile.CREATE(l_htmlName);
    IF tmpTabel.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN
    UNTIL tmpTabel.NEXT = 0;

    l_htmlName contains the saveashtml-filename. This filename should be consistent for every html-report. Make some function to define this filename before you run report.saveashtml.
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