
joepadmiraaljoepadmiraal Member Posts: 7

When I create a task in Navision 4.0 Outlook 2003 will send an appointment to the selected contacts.
The Word document from the interaction log entry is attached to this appointment.
The problem I have is that the merge fields are not replaced with data.
So the person who is receiving the attachment gets a Word document with field's like <<Contact_Nr>>
I can't imagine this is the way it's supposed to be.
Am I missing something?

When I open the attachment myself from the interaction log entry the fields are filled with data.



  • Dmitry_ChadaevDmitry_Chadaev Member Posts: 52

    I think that the logic here as follows:

    When you create a todo of type Meeting using the Create Todo wizard, and add several attendees there you can add an attachment to this meeting as you correctly noticed. When you lookup the attachment on the wizard it is not merged with real data because you have several contacts (attendees) - whose number/name/address should be shown there? :) This single attachment will be sent to several people - so they cannot merge it with some concrete contact I guess...
    It is a bit different from Segments - when you log a Segment 1 attachment is sent per user - so it can be merged freely, but not in the case with Todos.
    Best regards,
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