Sales Shipment Header - OnAfterGetRecord() Location.RESET; Location.SETRANGE(Code,"Sales Shipment Header"."Location Code"); IF Location.FIND('-') THEN loc:=Location."Post Code"; DistanciaEntrega.RESET; DistanciaEntrega.SETRANGE(DistanciaEntrega."No.", "Sales Shipment Header"."Sell-to Customer No."); DistanciaEntrega.SETRANGE("Cod. Origem",loc); DistanciaEntrega.SETRANGE("Cod. Entrega","Sales Shipment Header"."Ship-to Post Code"); IF DistanciaEntrega.FIND('-') THEN SalesShipmentLine.RESET; SalesShipmentLine.SETRANGE("Document No.","Sales Shipment Header"."No."); SalesShipmentLine.SETRANGE("Sell-to Customer No.","Sales Shipment Header"."Sell-to Customer No."); SalesShipmentLine.SETRANGE(Type,SalesShipmentLine.Type::Item); SalesShipmentLine.SETFILTER("No.",'<>%1',''); SalesShipmentLine.SETRANGE("Item Container",FALSE); IF SalesShipmentLine.FINDSET THEN REPEAT SalesShipmentLine.Distance:=DistanciaEntrega.Distance; SalesShipmentLine.MODIFY; UNTIL SalesShipmentLine.NEXT=0;
But, to the point of the issue, have you tried stepping through the code with the debugger? That would be my next move.
One more suggestion. If you are going to edit a record, it is better to use
FINDSET(TRUE, FALSE) so that it is locked. What you are doing works, but is not optimal.
It solved my problem. Thanks a lot!
Just didn't understood the FINDSET(True,False) part.