Export forms 1 - 50068 generates this error

RKMRKM Member Posts: 26
Tabledata 67011 does not exist?
Do i need to go in each form, from 50068 downwards and track the error
or is there a simpler way of tracking form 67001




  • RKMRKM Member Posts: 26
    I found out which form is erroring 50005 but cant design it


  • HalMdyHalMdy Member Posts: 429
    You have to ask your NSC to solve the problem, or you need a developper licence ...
  • RKMRKM Member Posts: 26
    I can Open up and design any other form??
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    RKM wrote:
    I can Open up and design any other form??

    Without the Developers License you can't access the code behind the forms.

    You can move & add fields. and you can have full control over 50000 to 50099 (this is the usual range).

    50005 should be in the range where you can have control.
    What is this form? What's the error? Was it a test to try out creating a form?
  • RKMRKM Member Posts: 26
    Hi all I wanted to do is export all the forms to the developers tookit and was hitting on errors everytime i exported I just deleted the 2 forms they werent being used.

    Strange that you need a table to open up the form in design. But im new to navision.


  • lagersjeflagersjef Member Posts: 57
    you should have created the table that was missing. Then you would have been able to open the form/object that was referring to the missing table. That would have allowed you to fix the object.

    You probably had a variable that was instanciating a table that had been deleted.
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