We would like to have the Unit Cost rounding precision to be five decimal places. Is there a way to change this statement VALIDATE("Unit Cost",ROUND("Direct Unit Cost" * (1 + "Indirect Cost %" / 100))); so that it is a unique precision? In GL Setup - Unit-Amount Rounding Precision is .00001. but when I enter an Indirect Cost % value, it rounds the Unit Cost to two decimal places.
Additionally, can Indirect Cost % be changed to allow three decimal places?
NAV 2015
You can easily manage rounding precision in the code, using parameters in ROUND. I.e., ROUND([any decimal here], 0.00001) will round your decimal to 5 signs after comma to the nearest decimal. E.g. 0,123456 will be rounded to 0,12346.
To get more info, consult https://msdn.microsoft.com/ru-ru/library/dd301418.aspx