Convert Dynamics NAV Classic reports to RDLC with Simplanova Report Converter

From our experience, Report convert from Classic Dynamics NAV version to RDLC format in most of NAV Upgrade cases can take up to 90% of an upgrade
  • project time. We have noticed these common concerns regarding report upgrade:
  • it takes a long time to complete an upgrade;
  • customers have to wait longer for an upgrade project to be completed, so they may decide to stay with the older version or at least be considering the upgrade for longer;
  • it is a repetitive task for your developers and it doesn’t help to keep developers motivated;
  • your developers involved in technical Dynamics NAV reports upgrading rather than working on a customer’s requested features and support.

Luckily, there is a SOLUTION to avoid these bottlenecks.

Dynamics NAV Report Upgrades can be fully AUTOMATED with Simplanova Report Converter!
Tired of Dynamics NAV Report Upgrades? - Convert automatically Classic NAV reports to RDLC format with Simplanova Report Converter
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