I would know which is the best way to connect remote users (from differents countries) to the same database.
I am thinking in Terminal Server, but I would like to know your opinion.
Are there more options? is it possible connect directly someone by TCP/IP thougth the internet?
I would have 2 remote users in China (permanents), 3 remote users in Mexico, and the main database in Spain.
Is better this option or different database and sincronize all of them?
Thanks for your comments.
note: msbonline has been running a bit slow lately - so give it a sec it will pop up...eventually. JK
Denis Petrov.
The reasons are:
1. Speed. They couldn’t wait even 1 sec. (we tested Terminal Server and delay was about 1-2- sec.).
2. Reliability. We didn’t want to be dependent on the channel.