payment journal computer check sort order

john_bellingerjohn_bellinger Member Posts: 34
I'm working in 4.0 -

Out of the box computer checks print in account no. order. Has anyone ever changed order so that it is by vendor name? If so, how?
John Bellinger
ERP Manager
Activar, Inc.


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    You could add a key to the Gen Journal Line for "Description" (if it's not there already)

    & then re-sort the line before you print the checks

    - just a thought
  • john_bellingerjohn_bellinger Member Posts: 34
    Please disregard - I found a solution.
    John Bellinger
    ERP Manager
    Activar, Inc.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    edited 2005-07-20
  • john_bellingerjohn_bellinger Member Posts: 34
    here is what i did:

    Table: 372 Payment Buffer
    - New field added called “Vendor Name”
    - New Key “Vendor Name”
    Report 393 “Suggest Vendor Payments”
    - Add the following highlighted bold code in “MakeGenJnlLines” function

    IF PayableVendLedgEntry.FIND('-') THEN
    PayableVendLedgEntry.SETRANGE("Vendor No.",PayableVendLedgEntry."Vendor No.");
    VendLedgEntry.GET(PayableVendLedgEntry."Vendor Ledg. Entry No.");
    TempPaymentBuffer."Vendor No." := VendLedgEntry."Vendor No.";
    TempPaymentBuffer."Currency Code" := VendLedgEntry."Currency Code";

    IF Vendor2.GET(VendLedgEntry."Vendor No.") THEN
    TempPaymentBuffer."Vendor Name" := Vendor2.Name;

    IF SummarizePerDim THEN BEGIN
    IF SelectedDim.FIND('-') THEN
    //Also add this in the same function

    //TempPaymentBuffer.SETCURRENTKEY("Document No.");
    TempPaymentBuffer.SETCURRENTKEY("Vendor Name”);
    IF TempPaymentBuffer.FIND('-') THEN
    WITH GenJnlLine DO BEGIN
    Window.UPDATE(1,TempPaymentBuffer."Vendor No.");
    LastLineNo := LastLineNo + 10000;
    "Line No." := LastLineNo;
    VALIDATE("Posting Date",PostingDate);
    "Document Type" := "Document Type"::Payment;
    "Posting No. Series" := GenJnlBatch."Posting No. Series";
    IF SummarizePerVend THEN
    "Document No." := TempPaymentBuffer."Document No."
    IF DocNoPerLine THEN BEGIN
    IF TempPaymentBuffer.Amount < 0 THEN
    "Document Type" := "Document Type"::Refund;
    John Bellinger
    ERP Manager
    Activar, Inc.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Savatage wrote:
    You could add a key to the Gen Journal Line for "Description" (if it's not there already)

    & then re-sort the line before you print the checks

    - just a thought

    This works too :)
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