I Have made a hyperlink from Navision to run an ASP page, which does some file-handling.
But the user doesn't need to see Internet Explorer. That is, is it possible to run the ASP page hidden from the user. So that when the ASP page has completed it shuts down Internet Explorer.
IE.Visible := False;
But it doesn't do anything, and I need to close the Internet explorer.
Closing the connection will work with the Quit method. Hope this helps.
But, if I have an IE open before I run the code, it uses that instance of the IE and closes it.
Is it possible to open a new IE instead, or to check if it was an existing IE it used, so that I can use the Back method instead...
This will create a new instance of IE instead of trying to use the existing instance.
A new problem came up.
If Explorer to the filesystem is open. It doesn't work. when I run the Create(IE, True); it takes over the Explorer instead of creating a new Internet Explorer.
How can I force it to open a new Internet Explorer.
I debugged it, and have found out that teh problem is the Quit() statement.
It starts up a new IExplorer, navigates. But as soon as i put IE.Quit(); after IE.Navigate('www.xxxx.com/test.asp'); It doesn't run the ASP code.
It just quits IE, to early...