Format Text

ReSpongebobReSpongebob Member Posts: 17

I'm rather new to Navision.

I'm asked to import data with a Dataport. The data imported does not always have the same format, as different users enter their data (everyone on his/her own way).

For example:
<= 50000
<= 50.000

I need all this input in the same format:
* A space between the <, >, = and the actual number
* thousand-seperator
* decimal seperator

Both the input and the result are of type: Text

Is there a way to automate this with a pre-defined function or do I need to write a routine that checks the input-string character by character and adjust it as specified?

Please give me some information so I know how to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance!


  • s.delikostovs.delikostov Member Posts: 32
    You can create function that returns separators for current user:
    GetSeparator(VAR "Thousands Separator" : Text[1];VAR "Decimal Separator" : Text[1];VAR "Date Separator" : Text[1];VAR "Time Separator" 
    tx1 := FORMAT(010203D);
    p1 := STRPOS(tx1,'01');
    p2 := STRPOS(tx1,'02');
    p3 := STRPOS(tx1,'03');
    "Date Separator" := '';
    IF (p1<p2) AND (p2<p3) THEN
      "Date Separator" := COPYSTR(tx1,p1+2,1)
      IF (p2<p1) AND (p1<p3) THEN
        "Date Separator" := COPYSTR(tx1,p2+2,1)
        "Date Separator" := COPYSTR(tx1,p3+2,1);
    tx1 := FORMAT(151617T);
    p1 := STRPOS(tx1,'15'); // returns 0 at US 3:xx PM!
    p2 := STRPOS(tx1,'16');
    p3 := STRPOS(tx1,'17');
    "Time Separator" := '';
    "Time Separator" := COPYSTR(tx1,p2-1,1);
    tx1 := FORMAT(123456/100);
    p1 := STRPOS(tx1,'1');
    p2 := STRPOS(tx1,'2');
    p3 := STRPOS(tx1,'4');
    p4 := STRPOS(tx1,'5');
    "Thousands Separator" := '';
    "Decimal Separator" := '';
    IF p2-p1 > 1 THEN
      "Thousands Separator" := COPYSTR(tx1,p1+1,1);
    IF p4-p3 > 1 THEN
      "Decimal Separator" := COPYSTR(tx1,p3+1,1);

    In the beginning of the Dataport call this function:

    For Import, you must import all Decimals in Text variables and after that you must evaluate original fields:
    EVALUATE("Unit Price",CONVERTSTR(UnitPrice,'.',DecimSep));
    Stamen Delikostov
    Navision Solution Developer
    Intelligent Systems Bulgaria
  • ReSpongebobReSpongebob Member Posts: 17
    Thank you for your very quick reply :D

    I think it's a usefull function that I am defenitly gonna use.

    However, I don't know in advance what the user is going to enter.
    For instance, the user needs to enter a value Less than 45000

    It's possible the user enters:

    But it's also possible that he will enter
    < 45000 (or some other variant).

    In order to get it into our database correctly, I need to format it to the same result, no matter what variant the user chooses.

    The end-result I need to achieve must be:
    < 45.000

    My question now is:
    How can I check wheter the space is present or not, and how to I insert one if the user omited it.
    Same goes for the thousand-seperator. If the user didn't enter a thousand-seperator, I need to insert it myself.

    Is this possible?
  • s.delikostovs.delikostov Member Posts: 32
    For spaces, first you can delete all spaces, and after the symbols '<>=' insert one "space".

    for the number you can evaluate it into a decimal variable and use FORMAT function to put thousand and descimal separator that you want.
    For example:
    Stamen Delikostov
    Navision Solution Developer
    Intelligent Systems Bulgaria
  • ReSpongebobReSpongebob Member Posts: 17
    Thank you so much, Stamen!
    With your advice I managed to write the function I need.

    Kind regards,
  • andy76andy76 Member Posts: 616
    I really don't understand how format function parameters work.

    I have, in a text file a decimal field with this format:


    where 127 is integer part


    53 is decimal part

    I want to insert it in a decimal variable and table field of Navision but it depends of regional settings.
    I don't want it depends by Regional Setting. How is it possible?

    I want alway 127.53 and not for example 127530.

    Thank you very much
  • s.delikostovs.delikostov Member Posts: 32
    You have to use FORMAT function only when you want to convert non-text variable to text variable.

    When importing a text file, you must use EVALUATE instead of FORMAT. But first of all, you must convert decimal separator from "." to your separator, depending Regional Settings. It's simple:
    //Find you decimal separator:
    Str := FORMAT(123/2);
    DecSep := COPYSTR(str,2,1);

    //Read column form the text file in a text variable (for example ValueText), and convert '.' with your decimal separator:
    IF decsep <> '.' THEN
    ValueText := CONVERTSTR(ValueText,'.',DecSep);

    //Convert the text variable to your decimal field:
    EVALUATE("Decimal Field",ValueText);
    Stamen Delikostov
    Navision Solution Developer
    Intelligent Systems Bulgaria
  • andy76andy76 Member Posts: 616
    Thank you very much.
    It seems correct but for having the decimal separator in the example the right code is:

    DecSep := COPYSTR(str,3,1);

    Have a nice day.
  • AsallaiAsallai Member Posts: 141
    Hi Everyone.

    Anyone is meet with this error message?
    FORMAT is not a function??? ](*,)

    I do not know where shoud be the problem.
    I have tried in an individually codeunit Format and there is working... could I mistake something??
    This source is standard code of Item table, Costing Method OnValidate trigger.

    Anyone have an idea what is this?
    Thank you!

    Okay, sorry, it was solved. recompile all objects! there was a new variable in a local function with the same name. Im .... :oops:
  • s.delikostovs.delikostov Member Posts: 32
    Probably you have a field with name Format.
    Is not good idea to use system words for naming fields, functions,...
    Stamen Delikostov
    Navision Solution Developer
    Intelligent Systems Bulgaria
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