While trying to merge the customized database Navision 3.70A with the new version Navision 4.0 I faced the following problem:
After the merge process (in Developer’s Toolkit 2.0) of the different version databases to one, (original 3.70A, Customized 3.70A, New Navision 4.0, Final Merged), I exported a txt file with the objects of the merged database which should be imported to the database which I want to update. While importing this file an error message appeared, saying that some objects can not be created because their ID range is not within the permitted range of my license (50000-99999).
I have tried to import the file both in customized 3.70A and in a clear version 4.0 and still could not overcome the above problem.
For example the following message appears:
"Your Program license does not permit you to create the "Notify About Team to-do Chgns." field in the "Salesperson/Purchaser" table.
Contact the System manager if you need to have your program license update."
Thank you in advance.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Is there any other tool for merging two different versions?
If you use this text merge applications, you must do all merging manually, but the result is something you know and you know what you did. But you must know, what you want to do... :-)
MVP - Dynamics NAV