As stated before im completely new to Navision.
I wanted to get someone opionon in this I have been asked to increase the customer address field from 50 chars to 100 chars.
Now is it a simple matter of carrying this out on the tables and any forms where you insert the address field.
Are there any tools out there say i input a field name it shows me all the dependancies in navision.
Thank you
ps im doing this on our development box.
If you are increasing from 50 to 100, it means that database has already undergone one such change before.
In the GB edition these fields are 50 characters - In W1 they are only 30.
Increasing these fields from 50 to 100 is a nightmare job that I would not be happy doing after 7 years of working with Navision - The number of tables, variables, arrays, codeunits etc that this would affect is huge. These changes would then have to be re-applied each time you had an object upgrade and any fields or tables introduced in the new version that were affected by your expanded fields would ahve to be modiofied as part of the upgrade... ](*,)
There are entity relationship diagrams available from but no such field analyser.
I would add the Name 2 field to the relevant forms (Customer Card etc) and use this instead as the first address line, as Navision will use it automatically if it is not blank.
Lead Consultant
I'll make this point to the relevant people and see what they come back with.
Edward I like the idea of the name 2 field as the problem is with the customer card address we are getting some records back when we send a transaction to our deliveries team due to the address not being long enough. But these addresses are less than 100 out of a few hundred thousand.
We are doing an upgrade for a client who had many fields extended in length previously. ](*,)
We are running into issues trying to find all upgraded fields. How do I use
the Development Tool Kit to check for the places where this field is used.
Many Thanks,
Navision Newbie