Problems with C/ODBC or N/ODBC, ASP, and .NET

stuarthstuarth Member Posts: 16

I have a problem with Navision ’s ODBC, ASP, and .NET

I have created a system DSN using c/front 3.01 connecting to a 3.01 server and also tried the N/ODBC DSN Connecting to a Navision 4 server.

This is the script I used:

dim ADOconn, ADOrs, sqlstr
sqlstr="Select * From Country"
set ADOconn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
ADOconn.Open "NavDSN"
set ADOrs = ADOconn.execute(sqlstr)
if ADOrs.BOF and ADOrs.EOF then ' Query didn't return any records.
Response.Write("No Records.")
Do While Not ADOrs.EOF
Response.Write((ADOrs("Code")) & " " _
& (ADOrs("Name")) & "<br>")
Response.Write("<p>End of data.")
end if
set ADOrs = nothing

This script works fine on a XP professional machine running IIS 5.1 with or without the .NET platform installed (only N/ODBC using Navision server 4.0)

However on Windows 2003 server running IIS 6.0, the script works, but as soon as I install the .NET platform…the script returns no data and times out

The reason for installing the .net platform is so I can create a VB.NET server service on that same server, but I still want to use my old ASP script if possible.

Why would it not work on Server 2003 running IIS 6.0.?

I have heard there are issues Navision ODBC utilizing .NET and “Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers”…. Could this be the problem?

Somebody help….please!

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