What do you mean by "runtime" ? During execution of some code ?
You can't, sorry ... [-(
You can work on a temporally table, wich is a "copy" (in terms of structure) of an existing table, meaby that could help you ... Why do you need to create a table during runtime ? Oher solutions may exist ...
Creating a table you can
Insert in the follwint tables:
Name DataType Subtype Length
ObjectRec Record Object
FieldRec Record Field
Using that table in the proces, you can't.
The new object needs to be compiled.
Hi John,
inserting into the object table, i succeed. But when i try to add some fields after that, the system returns an error 'table ..... is empty.' Creating the fields first doesn't work either, so what can I do?
You can't, sorry ... [-(
You can work on a temporally table, wich is a "copy" (in terms of structure) of an existing table, meaby that could help you ... Why do you need to create a table during runtime ? Oher solutions may exist ...
Insert in the follwint tables:
Name DataType Subtype Length
ObjectRec Record Object
FieldRec Record Field
Using that table in the proces, you can't.
The new object needs to be compiled.
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
You could use automation... (Use ADO to drive C/ODBC; or use the C/Front OCX interface directly.)
Neither solution is very pretty, and there are major limits -- you can't set properties or validation code in either. Why not just use C/SIDE?
Hi John,
inserting into the object table, i succeed. But when i try to add some fields after that, the system returns an error 'table ..... is empty.' Creating the fields first doesn't work either, so what can I do?
Member of OpenBC