Installing NAV 2017 with single click (via PowerShell)?

barandenizbarandeniz Member Posts: 44
Hello, i need to make a script that installs NAV.

1)Installs NAV (Parameter: Installation folder path)

2)Restores a DB (parameter: Database path)

3)Creates an NAV Instance (Parameter: a config XML)

3.5) Starts the instance.

4)Uploads Customers License to DB. (Parameter: Customers License File)

5)Installs Language Pack. (Parameter: A Setup file which includes translated ResX files and build.)

6)Adds some records to Add-ins table for Turkish Lang. to be enabled.

7)Copies a txt files to a directory for caption translations. (Parameter: Source file and destination path)

8)Restarts the instance for enabling the Language Pack and Translated Captions.

I am pretty sure that the items above can be achieved with PowerShell comandlets. Can anyone assist me to create this script ? Our company is going to need install a lot of navision instances so a sctipt like this will be amazing.

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