
Form Tabs - User Access Restrictions

SharrisSharris Member Posts: 3
edited 2002-02-28 in Navision Financials
Is there any way to limit user access to certain tabs of a form? I know I can restrict visiblity by field but really want the entire form tab to be NOT viewable by some users.


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    wonmowonmo Member Posts: 139
    Create 2 tab controls. One with the all tabs and one without. Set the visiblity as required. This actually works quite well.
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    SharrisSharris Member Posts: 3
    Solution works .. many thanks. Is there any documentation out there at all? I went from programming in COBOL to C/SIDE ... love it but am so frustrated with the lack of documentation!
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    wonmowonmo Member Posts: 139
    A fellow Canadian, I just noticed. There is a PDF file which outlines the objects and some coding methods. It's not bad. I get most of my answers from the help menu. I find that it's better. Even with these resources you will find that there is a lot which isn't documented. E-mail me and I can send you the PDF files.
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