
The server's time zone data for your current time zone does not match the time zone of your computer

felipedsmendesfelipedsmendes Member Posts: 1
Hi everyone,

We are migrating our NAV 2013 (non-r2) environment and we will use a RDS (remote desktop services) with the Role tailored Client.

If we open the role tailored client directly on our mid tier server we dont have any kind of issues.

But when we try to open from the RDS Server we receive the following warning.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV
The server's time zone data for your current time zone does not match the time zone of your computer. This can result in inconsistencies with other applications that are running on your system. Do you want to continue?
Yes No

All servers including the database are Windows 2012 R2 in the same timezone with daylight saving.

The timezone used is -3 Brasilia and our CU is NAV.7.0.48066.W1

We have already tried to change the Services Default Time zone to UTC, Server Time Zone and Time zone ID.

None of them seems to work.

I hope someone already faced with this issue and i thank you already for any help.


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    kaspermoerchkaspermoerch Member Posts: 43
    I experienced a similar issue with one of our clients. The reason was that the client clock was 11 minutes or so ahead of the server clock (or maybe it was the other way around).

    Try setting the actual time of the client to match the time of the server or the other way around - whichever is easiest.
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    da_nealda_neal Member Posts: 76
    In our case helps installing all windows and dot net updates to the application server
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