Sync-NAVTenant : When the TableSynchSetup.Mode::Move mode is used in an upgrade codeunit for synchronizing a table, the structure of the upgrad e table must match the original table. The fields and the primary key of the upgrade table must match those in the original table. The following errors must be fixed: The definition of the upgrade table 'UPG-Extended Text Line' must match the definition of the old table 'Extended Text Line'. Upgrade table 'UPG-Extended Text Line' cannot have fields which have a different design in the original table 'Extended Text Line': 'Text'. At line:1 char:1
[TableSyncSetup] TableSyncSetup(VAR TableSynchSetup : Record "Table Synch. Setup") DataUpgradeMgt.SetTableSyncSetup(DATABASE::"Extended Text Line",70500,TableSynchSetup.Mode::Move);
Open your Upgrade table again in the dev environment, and save it with sync mode force.
Then check your call to SetTableSyncSetup if the two table ID fields are correct.
Then try again.
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