I need a code

luceoluceo Member Posts: 5
I need a code that will disable changing the value of a field, though I know there is a property for a field call editable. but I just need a code to do this.



  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 632
    ERROR('') in OnValidate trigger.
  • AntoniomvallsAntoniomvalls Member Posts: 34
    in a function put:
    IF CurrFieldNo = FIELDNO("YourField") THEN
    ERROR('You cannot modify this field');

    In the onvalidate of the field you dont want to be modified call that function.

    It works only if an user is modifying that field
    Giving thanks is always wellcome
  • define a boolean variable called NoEdit .

    in your function..

    if record.findfirst then
    IF rec.customer <> " " Then
    NoEdit := True;

    sorry its not totally cleaned up but You can use that to set the property to not EDITABLE.

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