
HTML exporting

arnaroarnaro Member Posts: 29
edited 2002-02-27 in Navision Financials
Ive been reading up on the HTML export threads, which are mostly quite old.

I was wondering wich way is the best way to go about this. Ive been using the Save as HTML option but in complex reports with multiple (over 40) sections it goes all wrong...

So I guess my question is, what is currently the best solution on this matter ?

Thanks for your time...
- Arol


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    John_TegelaarJohn_Tegelaar Member Posts: 159
    The Save as HTML feature isn't too bad, but you have to be aware of what's happening.

    If you would have a look at the HTML code generated, you'd see that all fields on the reports have become table cells, but also each and every white space in between the fields have been converted to table cells. To get an even spacing in horizontal and vertical direction, lots of cells have been merged. Most clearly this "mosaic structure" becomes visible when importing into Excel and show cell borders.

    To get a neat output, you need to design the report very carefully, making sure every line is having the same number of fields, in the same width.

    To show data on a webpage, other options using ASP or JSP design, with a connection to the database, are usally preferred.

    What is it you want to do?

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    arnaroarnaro Member Posts: 29
    Some of our customers require their reports (invoices etc) to be accessable through HTTP.

    They have been using the Save as HTML feature but I have several reports that are VERY complex with 30-50 sections. They show up according to the criteria etc.

    Anyways I know I have to align the columns so that the beginning/end of one matches the beginning/end of another, however due to the amount of sections and amount of different routes that can be taken through the report its impossible to align the columns so that every route is aligned. Thats why I was wondering if there was a better way to go about this.

    It seems that it is the colspan HTML property that is causing the problems. So What I would like to do is to have every section print its own table instead of having one table for the whole report....


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    Luc_VanDyckLuc_VanDyck Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 3,633
    You can't change the way Navision generates the HTML file. So, an other option is to create that file yourself. Use the FILE.CREATE and FILE.WRITE functions to create an ASCII-file. And then use the appropriate HTML-tags to have a nice layout. Mind you, it's a lot of work.
    On the Invoice report 206 you can have a field in the Request form asking the user if he wants to create the HTML file.
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    John_TegelaarJohn_Tegelaar Member Posts: 159
    Instead of Save as HTML you might want to print the report as PDF file. The PDF Printer from Amyuni (see www.amyuni.com) can be controlled from C/AL and works quite well. Making PDF's available for webview is rather easy.

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