menusuite for RTC and Webclient is same.
if you change menusuite in development environment then it will apply for web client also.
we cant see departments in webclient.
Thank you very much for your valuble input. I was to view the Page that i have added in Menusuite in Window Client . But when try to customize the Navigation Pane in WebClient , it is not showing in the list.
Thank you all for your input...Sorry for Late reply. My ID has SUPER Permissions .... Do we have set permission for the Page that we are trying to add. Could you please more clear about it.
We were trying to add a Page , which has control AddOn (Barcode Reader). We were able to addin MenuSuite (Windows Client) and able to view that page in RTC MenuSuite(Windows Client). BUt when trying to add that Page in MenuSuite of WebClient in Configuration Mode. Am not able to find that Page Link in MenuSuite WebClient (Which we able to add and view in RTC Windows Client).
is there is any alternative way to add that Page in WebClient? . So that User can view that Page in WebClient?.
as mentioned above, if you have added in RTC means it should be visible in web client as well. please search using search bar on top right in web client whether you can see the added page
if you change menusuite in development environment then it will apply for web client also.
we cant see departments in webclient.
How can we proceed? any better idea?
@kovaidon - have you assigned proper permissions or running SUPER?
this is a role created with those menus.
please provide more details what you are trying to do etc.
is there is any alternative way to add that Page in WebClient? . So that User can view that Page in WebClient?.
But able to view in RTC Windows Client?
Why this happens?
Could you Suggest?
Are they both referring to same database?