Hi everyone,
I'm, using NAV2013R2, and I'm generating a barcode in a report, with this utility:
I'm generatin code128 barcodes. But I've seen, that the barcode can't be read if it is too small. The same barcode, but a little bigger, can be read. So, I thought that could be a problem of the generated BMP resolution. Is there any way to improve that resolution?
On the other hand, I also tried to generate the barcodes using different fonts I've downloaded. Even the resolutions looks realy good, the barcodes can't be read. And I think that this issue could be because of the data transformation. I directly wrtite a text, for example, "MF118.160", in the layout editor, and change the font to for exameple, code128.ttf. Should I introduce any charater befora/afeter my text, to convert the to the font?
Thank you very much for your help
The barcode is still unreadable...
I add a image of the generated barcode:
Abd we can't read codes of 9 characters or more...
Any tip?