Business Notification Setup

admoretutsieadmoretutsie Member Posts: 79
Help on this one. l need to send notifications, have created several test notifications, but when l try to : Administration->Application SetUp->General->Business Notification Setup, and enable the "Send Notifications", l have the error: You have to install Microsoft Navision Business Notification to be able to send notifications.

l have installed my notification server and l can see the notification schemas l have created [in the event].

l hope l have made my problem clear.
$cside -MBS
>install Navision::4.0 SP1


  • DimosDimos Member Posts: 40

    to overcome this problem open 9801 table and insert the values:

    BN_MessageBusUrl_0: http://servername(its your server name)/BusinessNotificationMessageBus/MessageBusService.asmx


    BN_PublishRetryTime_0: 10000

    These two values should be inserted automatically with the BN installation. But you can try...

  • admoretutsieadmoretutsie Member Posts: 79
    :wink: And that does it. But why didn't it insert those values during installation?
    $cside -MBS
    >install Navision::4.0 SP1
  • DimosDimos Member Posts: 40
    I am not sure about that, I am just guessing... probably it has to do with IIS service... :?
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