Home delivery NAV<

KastravecKastravec Member Posts: 2
I'm having a problem configuring the system so that a company can sell home delivery to customers. Home delivery is offered with the purchase of furniture. How do i go about this? I've tried finding the option but can't seem to find it.


  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,144
    edited 2017-02-13
    How should the system behave differently if your sell is a home delivery?
    You might just add home delivery as a resource, or maybe as an item charge.
  • KastravecKastravec Member Posts: 2
    It will be an extra cost if the item is delivered. How do i add it as a resource or item charge? Thanks for reply.
  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,144
    As a resource:
    • Set up a resource
    • Add a sales line of type Resource

    As an Item Charge:
    • Set up an Item Charge
    • Add a sales line of type Charge (Item)
    • Assign the charge to the sales lines it applies to
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