Can I Create a Dashboard without designing Queries in SQL server?

One of My customer wants to see the daily, weekly and annual Finance Performance as an Interactive Dashboard, the Dashboard should be visible only to the CEO of the Company on his Role Center using Web Client feature. Can I Create a Dashboard without designing Queries in SQL server? I want to design the Dashboard using Dynamics NAV 2016 where I would like to use the Pre-designed "Account Schedules" by the Finance Department of my Client.


  • jamiebjamieb Member Posts: 6
    Here are the steps to design a dashboard using dynamics NAV 2016 using pre designed account schedule.

    Step 1: Creating Account Schedule:

    Account Schedule in Navision is a functionality which was limited with the use of Report before the Add-In’s for Chart were available. In the recent releases by using the Account Schedules can be used to display Charts in the form of Dashboards, for creating Account Schedule Navigate to Account Schedules section from your Role Center.

    Step 2: Setting up Account Schedules:
    For setting up Account Schedules use the option “Insert G/L Accounts” on the Account Schedules page to insert the entries, which can be altered as per the requirement at a later stage.

    Step 3: Creating Column Layout Setup:
    Account Schedules are based on Column Layout setup for displaying Data on both the axis, Here Column Header, Column Type, Amount Type and a Formula to calculate the posted amount is created.

    Step 4: Setting up Chart’s Period
    There are two type of chart available in Dynamics NAV, one is “Finance Performance” & “Sales Performance”, both this charts uses a Date Range to display the chart, Enter Start Date & End Date, Enter Period (For Example – Weeks, Months, Years), Enter No of Period for which the chart needs to be displayed.

    Step 5: Displaying Dashboard on Role Center
    To Display the Finance Performance or a Customized Dashboard Page, the type of the page should be CardPart, Role Center Page supports the CardPart & ListPart pages for displaying Dashboards using Business Chart Add-Ins.

    Check out this video:
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    [Topic moved from 'NAV/Navision Classic Client' forum to 'NAV Three Tier' forum]

    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • samantharodgsamantharodg Member Posts: 5
    Thank you all.... Very helpful
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