Service Tier Administration - NAV 2017

kenjeskenjes Member Posts: 76

We have a server running the services.
Now I try to make a 2017 version, but get the following error, when trying create a new service :

"No Navision base version found for the choosen build update 10.0"

BASE folder : \Base\10.0
UPDATES Folder : \Updates\10.0

Any ideas :) ?



  • vremeni4vremeni4 Member Posts: 323

    This means that the demo database and the service link to it was not installed.
    A new service will use, the demo database service installation as a template.
    If the template is missing then you get the error message above.

    Install NAV 2017 again on the machine but make sure that demo database is installed and NAV Service connecting to the demo database is installed and works fine.

    I hope this helps.
  • kenjeskenjes Member Posts: 76
    I still can't get it to work. :#

    On my SERVER I have installed the NAV 2017 again.
    I can start NAV 2017 up on the server.
    I can see the NAV 2017 inst. in the "Service Tier Adm."

    But stille I can't create the 10.0 (2017) service

    What Is it looking for : Config files, folder names .......... ?

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