Hi all! My aim is to intercept the page of origin in which data will be collected in a table... not clear? I know!
Example: I have the table MyTable with some code in one trigger, I want to execute the code only if it is accessed by the page FisrtPage (and not for the all other pages)... is it possible? and if it is, how? Thank you very much!
Firstpage is the page from which the code in the table is executed
mmhh.. I don't have to execute the code into the table's OnValidate trigger only if it is accessed from a specific page..
My table is accessed from many pages (page1, page2, page3, ....).
If I am in page1 I have to execute the table's Onvalidate trigger.
If I am in page2 I have to skip that trigger
Is it clearer?
I will try, thank you!
OR you may try to write code in OnValidate() page trigger.
Zaid Tariq
Dynamics NAV/365 BC Developer at Dynamics 360
please like / agree / verify my answer, if was helpful.
table OnValidate trigger should be preferable used to ensure database integrity. If your code is to be run only in some cases, it should be separated by IF statement in table OnValidate trigger, or placed in separate function that can be called when needed without interference with validation code.
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