Error updating BA cubes

SaalekSaalek Member Posts: 181
I've just installed the lastest BA version.
This version is in Spanish.
I installed all and I created my first cube in Navision. When I started the configurator it updated the database and all works fine.

The problem is when I try to create my second cube. When I launch the configurator, I receive an error message:

"Unable to delete BA for MBD - Navidsion 400 database."

Has anyone received the same error ?



  • MaciMaci Member Posts: 65
    Sometimes the BA BD in SQL keep in use, but is an error.

    You can reset the machine and it works, but much better is go to the SQL manager, aministrator, current activity and "kill" the BA session :roll:

  • SaalekSaalek Member Posts: 181
    Thanks for your answer, but I resolved it.

    This solution appears in the lastest BA Version.

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