Is it possible create 3-D charts in NAV 2016?

lubostlubost Member Posts: 628
3-D generic charts show only one Z-Axis value so 3-D chart is only 3-D layout of two-dimensional data table. It is possible that I have done something wrong.
All links founded by Google deals only with 2-D charts. Functions in table 485 deals only with X-Axis and measures.

Thanks in advance


  • Member Posts: 223
    I don't think so that natively you can create 3D chart in NAV 2016.
    However, you can use Microsoft Power BI for this purpose. Just expose your data set as a oData feed using oData service and just create the reports/charts in power BI.

    You can also use MS Excel for creating 3D chart and use the same oData feed.
    Best Regards
    Zohaib Ahmed
    Dynamics NAV ERP Technical Consultant.

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  • postsauravpostsaurav Member Posts: 708
    Hi @lubost ,
    Just check Generic Charts but these charts can only be added in Role Center pages only.
    Let me know if it makes sense.
    One of the standard chart Q5400-01 is 3D Carts.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Saurav Dhyani

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