I recently came across an issue with NAV 2016 where the totals under the PO invoice line were 0 even though there were lines in the invoice.
I found out that the problem was in codeunit 57 in function PurchaseCheckNumberOfLinesLimit :
PurchaseCheckNumberOfLinesLimit(PurchaseHeader : Record "Purchase Header") : Boolean
PurchaseLine.SETRANGE("Document No.",PurchaseHeader."No.");
PurchaseLine.SETRANGE("Document Type",PurchaseHeader."Document Type");
PurchaseLine.SETFILTER(Type,'<>%1',PurchaseLine.Type::" ");
EXIT(PurchaseLine.COUNT <= 100);
No error, no message, nothing but the link to refresh the totals at the bottom of the subpage... Changing the <= 100 to something bigger made it. Thought I'd share this if you have a similar issue.