XML-port some error

LapshinLapshin Member Posts: 7
Hi, Friends
I have some problem with xml-port
I need import xml-file to NAV and have a problem with reading tags.
My xml-port not find tags in port and I have an error:
Look at screenshots:
1. My error
2. My schema of xml-port
3. xml-properties
4. xml-file

Best Answer

  • vremeni4vremeni4 Member Posts: 323
    Answer ✓

    I think there are a few issues here.
    If you look at the XML file the tag <Compact Data> has attributes e.g. xsl:schemalocation
    which are not covered in your XMLport.
    Also there are other tags which do not fit.

    Try small, create a small XMl file e.g. only header section or even smaller, with few attributes and try to read it.
    Then add the things to it.
    This will make it much easier for you and you can learn how to do it.
    If you try all at once, it is difficult to find what is causing the error.

    I hope this helps.


  • vremeni4vremeni4 Member Posts: 323
    Answer ✓

    I think there are a few issues here.
    If you look at the XML file the tag <Compact Data> has attributes e.g. xsl:schemalocation
    which are not covered in your XMLport.
    Also there are other tags which do not fit.

    Try small, create a small XMl file e.g. only header section or even smaller, with few attributes and try to read it.
    Then add the things to it.
    This will make it much easier for you and you can learn how to do it.
    If you try all at once, it is difficult to find what is causing the error.

    I hope this helps.
  • RockWithNAVRockWithNAV Member Posts: 1,139
    I believe one thing you need to understand is, The XML file which you are importing from NAV XMLPORT they both should have one to one mapping with exactly same layout and attributes and envelops. If there is even a minute difference NAV wont allow you to do.
  • LapshinLapshin Member Posts: 7
    vremeni4, it works! Thank you for help.
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,115
    [Topic moved from 'NAV/Navision Classic Client' forum to 'NAV Three Tier' forum]

    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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