Apply customer ledger entries on vendor entries (vendor and customer the same)

CarveiCarvei Member Posts: 2
Hello and sorry if this was asked before (haven't found my answer), I have a client who has a lot of vendors that are also customers. I know you have to create a separate vendor and customer cards but what happens when you want to apply entries? Ex.: I sold items to one of the vendors and I also bought items from that vendor. How can I apply the entries? If I owe the customer 100$ and he owes me 200$ how will I take care of that? I have created and posted the purchase invoice as well as the sales invoice. We are working with NAV2016.
Thank you!


  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 631
    You have to post 2 lines document (finance journal) of type refund or payment for both customer and vendor with same amount.
  • KishormKishorm Member Posts: 921
    As @lubost says because as far as NAV is concerned the 2 accounts are separate so you must do the offsetting manually.
  • CarveiCarvei Member Posts: 2
    Thank you both, I will try that and see if I get the results the customer wants.
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    [Topic moved from 'Navision Financials' forum to 'NAV Three Tier' forum]

    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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