Close/Open Balance Sheet too slow

clemboclembo Member Posts: 122
I need to run Close/Open Balance Sheet report but time needed to complete task was 8/9 hours.
There are 2.000.000 record in 17 table but I believe that the time required is excessive.
Nav version is 2013 R2.
There is a way to speed the report?


  • archer89archer89 Member Posts: 337
    was the report customized, did you add flowfields, change keys?
    try to run the report with filters applied.
    best regards
    Franz Kalchmair, MVP
    Alias: Jonathan Archer

    please like / agree / verify my answer, if it was helpful for you. thx.
  • clemboclembo Member Posts: 122
    No report is standard..
  • jordi79jordi79 Member Posts: 279
    I used this close/open Balance sheet report from the standard Italian localisation. The version I am using was NAV2017, Report ID 12113. And it took me 8-10 hours and my NAV client crashes every time without completing the run. There was around 1,000,000 G/L entries. And we were closing by 12 different dimension types.

    I tried to debug to find out what the standard report was doing. It was doing all kind of funny buffering stuff with dimensions and modifying the field GLEntry."Close Income Statement Dim. ID" from past G/L Entries. It's driving me nuts, trying to figure out what this report was doing.

    In the end, I just copied and modified the standard "Close Income statement" Report 94 to close Balance sheet instead, and create opening Balance sheet entries. This only took me around 1 hour to make the changes and 30 minutes to complete the run. And it did not have to modify past G/L Entries.

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