Hi all
I am upgrading a customer to 2017, and when creating a customer or opening the item or customer card, it is painfully slow.
This seems related to factboxes, and only with customer data, NOT cronus.
So there are many transactions.
CU1 didnt help!
Anyone made it so far and seen the same?
SQL profiler and CPU is showing a lot of activity! But i havent found the cause. Guessing error in flowfield or key.
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try to update first to nav 2016, then check performance. if ok, upgrade to nav 2017. check again.
Franz Kalchmair, MVP
Alias: Jonathan Archer
please like / agree / verify my answer, if it was helpful for you. thx.
Blog: http://moxie4nav.wordpress.com/
But it is clean 2017 objects just added custom fields for dataupgrade.
I dont want to bring 2016 into this.
Removing factbox fixes it. But we need totalling of course.
also when calculating values by using setrange/setfilter always use a suitable key and apply it with setcurrentkey. using the wrong key can lower the performance.
Franz Kalchmair, MVP
Alias: Jonathan Archer
please like / agree / verify my answer, if it was helpful for you. thx.
Blog: http://moxie4nav.wordpress.com/
I feel Cronus is slow too, but it has just a few transactions.
1.) Are there any keys missing in any of the Ledger tables ?
2.) Check whether there are any missing Views on SQL for those keys used by your FlowFields
I am guessing your problem is the RAM for the middle tier.
Publish your server specs and we can give you better advice.
Also, a recent blog recommended bumping up metadata provide cache from the default of 150 - try 5000 instead. It does not have a big cost in memory used but could provide a huge bump in performance.
But it is standard objects !
Just got around to finding out what was going on.
And the problem is with Page 1345 Sales Price and Line Discounts, which is part of the Mini series. But this one is placed on the Customer Card in 2017 as a Part, but outside FactboxArea, so its not even visible and courses a huge calculation. See picture.
If anybody at MS is following, please take a look.
SQL Trace: (4-5 seconds)
exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@0 int',N'SELECT "timestamp","Item No_","Sales Type","Sales Code","Starting Date","Currency Code","Variant Code","Unit of Measure Code","Minimum Quantity","Unit Price","Price Includes VAT","Allow Invoice Disc_","VAT Bus_ Posting Gr_ (Price)","Ending Date","Allow Line Disc_","Pre-Price" FROM "NAV-PREP".dbo."Ib Laursen$Sales Price" WITH(READUNCOMMITTED) WHERE ("Sales Type"=@0) ORDER BY "Item No_" ASC,"Sales Type" ASC,"Sales Code" ASC,"Starting Date" ASC,"Currency Code" ASC,"Variant Code" ASC,"Unit of Measure Code" ASC,"Minimum Quantity" ASC OPTION(OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN, FAST 50)',@0=2
select @p1
This does the trick
//DaysPastDueDate := AgedAccReceivable.InvoicePaymentDaysAverage("No.");
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