I have created some FlowFields for totals in 21/25 (Cusomer/Vendor Ledger Entry) to sum in 379/380 (Detailed Cust./Vend. Ledger Entry).
It's funny but 3 users (including myself) see the correct amount, but others see wrong amount in one of the FlowField but they see the correct DrillDown on it. Service Restarted, all objects recompiled. Same issue... (I even added SumIndex in all keys but still no success)
This wrong FlowField has "Entry No." as filter and "Date Filter" on "Posting Date". No "Date Filter" applied at all.
Only difference is we (the 3 users) connect with RDP, others use the client locally. The DB is attached to only 1 NAV Service. These flowfields are part of a bigger posting change so I cannot easily replace the flowfields with alternative solution.
Does anybody have any idea for a possible cause and solution?
Thanks in advance
Issue solved: I created new identical FlowField. Both show different sums... (for some users). I deleted the old.
I'm really far away from the customer, so for me is still hard to believe as I didn't do a teamviewer.
Thanks a lot! I hope this info would help somebody else.
Another flowfield resulted in error.
Reason found: 2 FlowFields disabled in the table existed in the Page. After I removed them everything is perfect.
Best Regards,