Hi all,
We discovered something in CU80 in NAV2016. Like all previous versions of NAV, a local copy of the passed REC is assigned to a global variable, and then that variable has updates made to it. For example, The code starts on line 21 where "SalesHeader := Rec". Then, on line 42, function SetShipInvoiceReceiveFlags is called, passing SalesHeader as a parameter. That function updates certain fields in SalesHeader. So after that function is called, the values in REC are different than SalesHeader:
21 SalesHeader := Rec; //Rec gets copied to SalesHeader here
22 TempServiceItem2.DELETEALL;
23 TempServiceItemComp2.DELETEALL;
24 WITH SalesHeader DO BEGIN
25 TESTFIELD("On Hold",'');
26 CheckMandatoryHeaderFields(Rec);
27 GLSetup.GET;
28 IF GLSetup."PAC Environment" <> GLSetup."PAC Environment"::Disabled THEN
29 TESTFIELD("Payment Method Code");
31 IF GenJnlCheckLine.DateNotAllowed("Posting Date") THEN
32 FIELDERROR("Posting Date",Text045);
34 IF "Tax Area Code" = '' THEN
35 SalesTaxCountry := SalesTaxCountry::NoTax
37 TaxArea.GET("Tax Area Code");
38 SalesTaxCountry := TaxArea."Country/Region";
39 UseExternalTaxEngine := TaxArea."Use External Tax Engine";
40 END;
42 SetShipInvoiceReceiveFlags(SalesHeader);
44 IF NOT (Ship OR Invoice OR Receive) THEN
46 Text020,
Between lines 47 and 1353, a number of other functions are called that modify SalesHeader.
..subsequently, down on line 1354, REC is then assigned the updated value of SalesHeader.
There are numerous other function calls that update SalesHeader before REC gets the fully-updated values. A couple of examples:
SendICDocument on line 228
ServItemMgt.CreateServItemOnSalesInvoice(SalesHeader) on line 254
Now, here's the problem as we see it. On Line 174, an Event Hook is called - but with REC instead of SalesHeader:
174 OnBeforePostCommitSalesDoc(Rec,GenJnlPostLine,PreviewMode,ModifyHeader);
So, if we create event code that is called by this hook that modifies REC, then those changes will be overwritten with the values of SalesHeader down on line 1354.
Let’s take a very simple example. Let’s say that our event hook code modifies the field "Salesperson Code".
At line 32, let’s say that Salesperson Code is currently “ROBERT”:
SalesHeader := Rec; // now SalesHeader.”Salesperson Code” = “ROBERT"
Then the OnBeforePostCommitSalesDoc hook is called at Line 174. If the Hook is called with REC, and the event code changes the Salesperson code to “JOHN”, then after the hook is called:
Salesperson.”SalesPerson Code” = “ROBERT” but REC.”Salesperson Code” = “JOHN”
Then, in line 1366:
Rec := SalesHeader;
So, after that line:
Salesperson.”SalesPerson Code” = “ROBERT” and REC.”Salesperson Code” = “ROBERT”
..so the results of the event code update have been overwritten.
We submitted this issue to Microsoft, and their current position is that this is not a bug.
I'm wondering what the NAV community thinks - are we in the wrong here?
We of course worked around it by changing the call the to the OnBeforePostCommitSalesDoc hook to pass SalesHeader instead of REC:
174 OnBeforePostCommitSalesDoc(SalesHeader,GenJnlPostLine,PreviewMode,ModifyHeader);
Currently, this is the only current Integration Event hook in CU80 that has this problem - there are only 3 event hooks in CU80 in this version of NAV, but I believe that additional hooks are planned in future versions (I haven't looked at NAV2017 yet). But the same/similar problem exists in CU90, and I would expect that there are other standard event hooks that do/will have this same issue.
I would be interested in other opinions out there.
Ron Saritzky
I was puzzled by Robert Miller's (Microsoft US) response on this item, saying it was not a bug:
He seems to be saying that if you need the current state of REC (including any updates to it by modifying the local copy SalesHeader), change the call to the event (which I did). But it still did not explain why he thought it was not a bug. But if it's changed in 2017, then obviously someone at MS agreed.
We'll pursue it again to see if an official update to 2016 can be created.
It might be worth checking the lastest CU on 2016 before going back to Microsoft as it may have been fixed in there already.
BTW, I love the fact that he says...
...and then follows on to say...