SKIP function help - NAV 2015

martinher562martinher562 Member Posts: 50
Hello NAV Experts,

I am having a problem in one of my reports

I have two tables in the Report Dataset designer:
Table A - Item table
-Table B - Integer table

In the Integer OnAfterGetRecord() trigger, there is a calculation.

If Variable = 0 then CurrReport.Skip.

My problem is that it only skips the Integer table record, but keeps the item information.
I need it to skip both the Item information and integer information for that record and then move onto the next record and do the check again.

Is there a way to just say at the OnPostReport() trigger, Something like: where field = SomeValue or sort by field. This has been the hardest and most frustrating part of NAV reports for me. Not being able to manipulate the final report dataset. (

Thank you all for your help in advance !

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  • martinher562martinher562 Member Posts: 50
    @pavithrap0992 @Sowkarthika I know I am bringing this topic back even though I was already told I cannot do it. Maybe there is a work around.

    I have a report where I came across the same problem.

    Report has these tables:
    Item Table
    -Sales Shipment Line Table

    This report filters by date, location, and ship-to-code number.

    When I run it for a certain ship-to-code number and export it to excel. All the items show up in the excel spreadsheet.

    I can skip the sales shipment information by using below:
    Sales Shipment Line - OnAfterGetRecord()

    IF filterShipToCode <> '' THEN BEGIN
    IF filterShipToCode <> SalesShipmentHeader."Ship-to Code" THEN CurrReport.SKIP;
    However, I cannot skip the items. The excel spreadsheet shows all the items.
    I tried putting the code in the Item - OnAfterGetRecord() trigger, but then report shows up blank then.

    How do I skip the items ?

    I tried creating a variable, but the variable does not assigned until after the item is already displayed/generated. I tried putting this on post report trigger: SalesShipmentHeader.SETRANGE("Ship-to Code",filterShipToCode,filterShipToCode);
    //so that it removes anything that is not the filterShipToCode (keep in mind i do not know how to use the setrange function).

    I am so frustrated and lost, normally in VB, VBA, and even SQL. All I need to do is set a filter saying: where filterShipToCode <> ''
    and since there is a relationship in the tables and the result is linear, it just skips the whole line.

  • martinher562martinher562 Member Posts: 50
    @pavithrap0992 @Sowkarthika I answered my own question. My fix (not sure is the most efficient, but here it goes) was to set variables and just redisplay the data in the second table. Then pull all the data using ExcelBuffer from the second indented table. Thank you all for your help !!!!
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