Has the 'cside.chm' - the online help files for the developer environment - been removed in nav 2017? I'm not able to find it in the 'RoleTailoredClient' folder where it used to be in previous versions?
It's no longer included - you need to use online help (MSDN) which is kept up to date. Alternatively you can use the 2016 version instead as it has not changed much. This is not something that they have forgotten but is intentional - can't remember where I heard this.
Yep, that's what they said, you'd then have to manually find the appropriate help under Development or Technical Reference. As I mentioned above, they also said you could install the NAV 2016 help which may not be completely up-to-date but is an option.
This is the only location for the content, because we removed cside.chm from the development environment. As a result, it will be easy for you to get the latest version of the content because it’s online only.
Not very usefull...As always: Google is my friend! But sometimes it's just faster to type F1 if you need some specific help to a topic.
Near the top it says...