Modify a report

sharon95sharon95 Member Posts: 183
Hi! I have to modify a report... My aim is to visualize the grand total (sales invoices - sales credit memos)... In the last two pages of the report there is the sum of the invoices (one one page) and the sum of the credit memos (on the last page). How can I do that? thanks!

Best Answer


  • RockWithNAVRockWithNAV Member Posts: 1,139
    You can use footer in the report for the grand total, and for totaling in each and every page you need to implement Transheader and Transfooter
  • sharon95sharon95 Member Posts: 183
    My aim is to do the difference between two expressions in two different textboxes in the report on visual studio. The two expressions are:

    =Sum(IIF(Fields!DocTypeG.Value = "FT", cdbl(Fields!Amount_SalesInvoiceLine.Value), 0))
    =Sum(IIF(Fields!DocTypeG.Value = "NC", cdbl(Fields!Amount_SalesInvoiceLine.Value), 0))

    How can I subtract the first (invoices) and the second (credit memos)? Thank you!
  • sharon95sharon95 Member Posts: 183
    edited 2016-12-05
    sharon95 wrote: »
    My aim is to do the difference between two expressions in two different textboxes in the report on visual studio. The two expressions are:

    =Sum(IIF(Fields!DocTypeG.Value = "FT", cdbl(Fields!Amount_SalesInvoiceLine.Value), 0))
    =Sum(IIF(Fields!DocTypeG.Value = "NC", cdbl(Fields!Amount_SalesInvoiceLine.Value), 0))

    How can I subtract the first (invoices) and the second (credit memos)? Thank you!

    I saw that if I copy the first expression into another textbox, the result is zero, while if I copy the second expression I obtain the same value of the original expression... why? Thanks!
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,115
    [Topic moved from 'NAV/Navision Classic Client' forum to 'NAV Three Tier' forum]

    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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