Hi! I have to modify a report... My aim is to visualize the grand total (sales invoices - sales credit memos)... In the last two pages of the report there is the sum of the invoices (one one page) and the sum of the credit memos (on the last page). How can I do that? thanks!
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=Sum(IIF(Fields!DocTypeG.Value = "FT", cdbl(Fields!Amount_SalesInvoiceLine.Value), 0))
=Sum(IIF(Fields!DocTypeG.Value = "NC", cdbl(Fields!Amount_SalesInvoiceLine.Value), 0))
How can I subtract the first (invoices) and the second (credit memos)? Thank you!
I saw that if I copy the first expression into another textbox, the result is zero, while if I copy the second expression I obtain the same value of the original expression... why? Thanks!
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